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Tompkins Square Park

The Tompkins Square Park Congregation was founded on Christmas Day, 2010. More than one hundred people showed up on a cold, gray overcast day for prayer and a true Christmas feast. The meal offered hot apple cider, baked ham, fried chicken. Pastor Clyde welcomed everyone and made introductory remarks. Pastor Bill offered the invocation and blessing. Currently a group of 30 to 50 gather for prayer and a meal. The congregation will begin weekly, full Eucharistic services in the early spring.

Tompkins Square Park is 10.6 acres in area located on the lower eastside of Manhattan in the neighborhood known as Alphabet City. A beautifully laid out park with some of the oldest trees in the city a great dog run, it remains one of the less gentrified open spaces in New York.

The Ecclesia Congregation at Tompkins Square Park is supported by several housed churches and lay members of their respective congregations who volunteer in the life of TSP: St. Mark's in the Bowery (Episcopal), Judson Memorial Church (UCC), Tompkins Square Bible Fellowship, Village United Methodist Church - East Village, Trinity Lutheran Lower East Side, Father's Heart Ministry, and Grace Episcopal Church.

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