The gifts of the Church among all God's people.
April 30, 2012 |
A Journey through NYC Religions: Marcus Garvey Park Congregation. Sunday they are there, Monday they are notThose in attendance for Sunday service receive two meals: a spiritual meal of Holy Communion, and a bagged sandwich lunch. |
July 16, 2010 |
New York Times: Ministry Steps OutdoorsOne by one, in a procession of penance, homeless and hard-luck men and women joined a circle of prayer and worship led by a cross-denominational group of ministers and church members who brought services to those not likely to find their way into a traditional house of worship. |
April 5, 2010 |
Columbia Spectator: Keeping the Faith in an Outdoor ChurchA church community among the homeless where those marginalized in society feel comfortable being church in Marcus Garvey Park. |
October 2007 |
Greenwich Village Gazette: Ecclesia Ministries Meeting the Spiritual Needs of Homeless New YorkersOn any given Sunday, beginning at 2 PM, if you happen to walk through Madison Square Park in Manhattan, you’ll see people gathered around an alter, holding a worship service complete with scriptural readings, prayers, the singing of hymns, a short sermon, and communion for all those who wish to receive it. This will be followed by a "second meal," also served from the alter, to make sure that no one – participant or passerby alike – goes away hungry in body or spirit. |
May - June 2006 |
Episcopal New Yorker: Sacramental Outreach - Ecclesia Ministries of New YorkForming new church communities and spiritually nurturing their new members is at the heart of Ecclesia Ministries' mission. |
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