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Marcus Garvey Park

The Marcus Garvey Park Congregation was founded on Easter Day, 2009. Twenty-six hearty individuals attended the first Eucharist celebrated in this park on a sunny brisk afternoon. Pastor Clyde welcomed everyone and made introductory remarks. The Rev. Earl Kooperkamp officiated and preached. Members of St. Mary"s Manhattanville Episcopal Church (one of our participating housed congregations) provided a meal enjoyed by all. We have had as many as 100 at a service, but our attendance is rather steady at 28 in the warm months and 18 in the winter.

In the colder months we hold services in the Drummers' Circle tucked in against the rock face of Mt. Morris and in sight of the north east corner of the park. In the warmer months, when the drummers are playing, as good neighbors, we can be found just inside the park on the Madison Avenue side at 122nd Street under the shade of a beautiful oak tree.

Located in the central area of Harlem, Marcus Garvey Park is one of the oldest public squares in Manhattan. Central to the life of Harlem for more than 150 years, it has served as a meeting place for neighbors, a front yard and play area for schoolchildren, and a holy place for members of local churches. Marcus Garvey -- or Mount Morris Park as it is referred to by the people in the neighborhood -- is 20.17 acres in size and interrupts the flow of Fifth Avenue, which is routed around the park via Mount Morris Park West. The park is bounded by 120th Street and 124th Street and by Madison Avenue on its east side. The park is operated and maintained by the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation.

The Ecclesia Congregation at Marcus Garvey Park is supported by several housed churches and lay members of their respective congregations who volunteer in the life of MGP: St. Mary's Manhattanville (Episcopal), Grace Congregational Church of Harlem (UCC), St. Martin's Episcopal Church, The Riverside Church, First Corinthian Baptist Church, Church of the Intercession (Episcopal) United Moravian Church, and Metro Hope Church.

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